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CROWN OF THORNS - No Chance For Haitian Dictators!


With "Lost Cathedral" Jean Beauvoir's Crown Of Thorns made not a brilliant, but a solid album which could be loved by Hard Rock-Fans of the 80s as well as of this decade. Let's see what he has to say...

  1. First of all please tell me all about the founding of "Crown Of Thorns". How did you find your musicians? Did you record any demos?
  2. Crown Of Thorns was put together in the beginning of 1991. Myself, Tony Thompson and Micki Free used to run it to each other in clubs around the world and decided to get together one day and play. From there, Crown Of Thorns was formed. We recruited Paul and Gene from KISS as co-managers and after auditioning many bass-players, Michael Paige joined the band. From there we started recording demos. This lead to the signing with Interscope Records.

  3. What happened to Voodoo X, your second band?
  4. We had many hopes and ideas for the continuation for Voodoo X, but unfortunately the record company dropped the ball. And with the band living so far apart from each other it was very difficult to keep it going.

  5. "Lost Cathedral" is the title of your new epic and in my opinion the album has a darker and more heavy feeling than the records before. Why did you choose this direction?
  6. We feel that all our albums have a string that ties them together. You may be right that this album is a little heavier and yes, it was planned that way. We didn't think so much about commercial airplay on this record, which allowed us to get experimental with the arrangements. There are probably more riffs and different parts in this record. We took advantage of the freedom to be able to do this.

  7. Tell me something about the lyrical side of "Lost Cathedral"? Is it a concept album or do the lyrics have a "red line"?
  8. As far as the lyrics, in a way Lost Cathedral is a concept album, but so are all the records depending on what you mean by concept. The lyrical concept here is after seeing what goes on around me in day to day life, putting my views into words and putting it on the record. Hopefully reflecting a lot of peoples thoughts, fears etc. and trying to show them an optimistic view. The songs touch on many different subjects, but try to make them a little light even some times with a little humor.

  9. Is "Crown Of Thorns" really a band or is it more or less a "Beauvoir-Project"? I mean, you wrote all the music, all the lyrics, you produced the album and so on. Are you a dictator?
  10. Crown Of Thorns is a band. Even though I do write and produce the albums the band performs it and brings it to life. Knowing the other guys well, when I start writing songs for the new record, I use their styles of playing, what they are good at in my own head, all as tools to write the songs. I put the basic ideas down on tape and then the band flies in to make it a Crown Of Thorns album. I am pretty firm in my believes and thoughts, but also very open when people have good ideas (even though I'm Haitian, I'm not a dictator!).

  11. What's your favorite song on your newest album and why?
  12. I really don't know, it changes from day to day, depending on my mood. I really don't have one favorite song.

  13. Your kind of Melodic Rock isn't very popular today and I think it's fantastic that you play this kind of music in these trendy days. What comes to your mind when you think about today's music-scene, especially in the USA? Do you like some of the newer stuff?
  14. Unfortunately, you are right (oh, no...! - ed.). Actually, I like a lot of the new music that's happening right now, but can't really see Crown Of Thorns doing it. The USA changes it mind very often and as a band, if you were to change direction every few months, I don't think it would work. So with Crown Of Thorns, we keep doing what the band enjoys doing adding in some modern elements along the way hoping that it will be appreciated, but at the same time, I work on another stuff to satisfied my need for diversity.

  15. Is it possible that you'll change your musical direction if your record-company would say "come on, write some grungy and some brit-pop tunes!" ?
  16. No, if we would change our direction it would be because it was something we felt we wanted to do.

  17. In the end I want you to give some comments on the following words:
    • Germany: Half "Hähnchen".
    • Soccer-Championship France '98: Many nights in front of the TV
    • Marilyn Manson: It's about time somebody put some balls into their rock'n'roll
    • Summer: The beach with all it's added features
    • Melodies: Great ones are what I look for every day
    • Classical Music: The beginning of it all
    • Bryan Adams: That guy comes out with some great stuff
    • Airplay: It would be nice if Crown Of Thorns got some
    • Family: For right now it's my wife and a dog
    • Touring: Where's the jet?!!!


  18. Do you have some final, famous words?
  19. Just want to thank the fans for supporting CofT. Keep rocking!!!

Best wishes, Jean Beauvoir.


(c) 1998 Michael Kohsiek