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Here you can also find the official SNAKEPIT forum entries...

Beitragvon Snakeasshole » 19. Juni 2004, 07:57

Yeah Metallers the new ssue of Snakepit is almost done with tons of raging Molten Metal inside it..... remember the likes of TRAUMA, MALTESE FALCON, WITCHSLAYER, INSANITY etc??? They're all into it plus TONS TONS MORE...FORCED ENTRY, mALEDICTION, I. MAJESTY etc etc.....

Beitragvon Metalion » 20. Juni 2004, 03:52

Looking forward to the MALTESE FALCON interview, I wonder what happened with their 2nd LP?

Beitragvon Guest » 20. Juni 2004, 08:06

They never recorded it UNFORTUNATELY considering how killer the material was after "Metal Rush"!!! THE DEMOS HAVE TO BE RELEASED!!!!

Beitragvon Kenneth » 20. Juni 2004, 08:43

Yeah ! Looks like another classic issue !!!! Great work guys ! Can't wait to read the Maltese Falcon interview especially !
BeitrÀge: 3
Registriert: 20. Juni 2004, 08:30

Beitragvon Guest » 20. Juni 2004, 11:19

Ken, Ken, correction: Great work GUY as i'm alone in the ship now !!! haha!!!!
I really hope that you guys are gonna eat it! As far as I'm concerned I think it's gonna have one of the best content EVER!!!

Beitragvon Kenneth » 26. Juni 2004, 10:52

Oh really !!!! I don't think I knew that ! That's quite impressive Laurent !
BeitrÀge: 3
Registriert: 20. Juni 2004, 08:30

Beitragvon Guest_Snakeasshole » 26. Juni 2004, 21:11

Well I don't know... I'd prefer to have some of those old "partners" sending me stuff..It's so damn hard to put together 100 pages alone!
Get me Per Christiansen adress bro now!!!!!
Alone in the dark..... kinda like it!

Beitragvon Kenneth » 9. August 2004, 11:23

Cheers mate ! Thanx for the new issue, great work as always. I enjoyed it ! Actually I haven't finished it yet as there is so much to read, absolute killer ! CRYSTAL KNIGHT next time, eh ?!!!!!!
BeitrÀge: 3
Registriert: 20. Juni 2004, 08:30

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