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Beitragvon Michael@SacredMetal » 17. Juni 2004, 21:28

Is somebody out there?
Laureeeeennnnnttt?!? :D

For all the words unspoken, for all the deeds undone,
for all our shattered dreams, for all the songs unsung,
for all the lines unwritten and all our broken hearts,
for all our wounds still bleeding and all our kingdoms come.
M e r c y f u l F a t e
Beiträge: 12510
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 16:45
Wohnort: Osnabrueck

Beitragvon Snakeasshole » 18. Juni 2004, 18:46

Holy hell I'm here Mike! FINALLY!!!!!!! Now I have to spread the word about this!!!!

Beitragvon Michael@SacredMetal » 18. Juni 2004, 19:05

Snakeasshole hat geschrieben: Holy hell I'm here Mike! FINALLY!!!!!!! Now I have to spread the word about this!!!!

Welcome to the show!!

But it eems that you forgot to log in, eh?
Sending in some people - that's cool!

For all the words unspoken, for all the deeds undone,
for all our shattered dreams, for all the songs unsung,
for all the lines unwritten and all our broken hearts,
for all our wounds still bleeding and all our kingdoms come.
M e r c y f u l F a t e
Beiträge: 12510
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 16:45
Wohnort: Osnabrueck

Beitragvon Snakeasshole » 19. Juni 2004, 22:09

I hope everything is correct now Mike! Can't thank you enough for having open this and for your dedication to the Metal cause!!!!!!!!! All that stuff will help me I hope because it's now or never if people wants me to go on with the fuckin' Pit!!!!!
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 19. Juni 2004, 21:52

Beitragvon Heavy_Metal_Maniac » 19. Juni 2004, 22:20

And now all together: (Music: Exciter - Rain Of Terror)




US Metal-Kenner
Beiträge: 785
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 20:55
Wohnort: Gelsenkirchen

Beitragvon Snakeasshole » 20. Juni 2004, 11:24

Matthias I would have prefered that you had choose "Heavy Metal Maniac" or fuckin" Mistress Of Evil" to celebrate such a comeback haha!
By the way it seems not surprisingly that EXCITER's "the new testament" is a piece of crap and of course don'tdo any justice to those EXCITER mega classics (how could it have been any other way?)!!!! What do you think of it you guys?
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 19. Juni 2004, 21:52

Beitragvon Michael@SacredMetal » 20. Juni 2004, 11:30

Snakeasshole hat geschrieben: Matthias I would have prefered that you had choose "Heavy Metal Maniac" or fuckin" Mistress Of Evil" to celebrate such a comeback haha!
By the way it seems not surprisingly that EXCITER's "the new testament" is a piece of crap and of course don'tdo any justice to those EXCITER mega classics (how could it have been any other way?)!!!! What do you think of it you guys?

I hope I'm not responsible for your leaving now ( :D ), but in my opinion "The New Testament" kicks MAJOR ass and Mr. Belanger sings A LOT better than Dan Beehler... Sorry if that bothers you, he he...

For all the words unspoken, for all the deeds undone,
for all our shattered dreams, for all the songs unsung,
for all the lines unwritten and all our broken hearts,
for all our wounds still bleeding and all our kingdoms come.
M e r c y f u l F a t e
Beiträge: 12510
Registriert: 6. Januar 2004, 16:45
Wohnort: Osnabrueck

Beitragvon Snakeasshole » 21. Juni 2004, 21:07


I haven't heard it yet so I cannot fully comment but I have huge doubts..I just read of review on Voices and that conforts my opinion on it.... I guess it's gonna be the same disaster as J. PANZER "decade.." is!!!!!!! IT TRULY HURT THE OLD METALHEADS to see re-recordings of such godly/ unreal classics! I don't care if Ricci re-record stuff from "long live..", "Kill After..." but from "H.M. Maniac" come on, this is one of the most destructive/ intense record of all time and it can't be touched!!!!
Beiträge: 3
Registriert: 19. Juni 2004, 21:52

Beitragvon Göran Herming » 23. Juni 2004, 18:03

:ph34r: I am your ally Laurent... The old stuff cannot be rerecorded without losing the original magick...but the new versions are nonetheless great coverversions...
Same goes for Jag Panzer...
Faves: John Coltrane, Slime, Kraftwerk, Camel, Le Orme, Ange, UK Subs, Omega, Pallas, Shiva, Cruachan, Moon of Steel, Fates Warning, Genesis, Peter Gabriel, Van Der Graaf Generator, Omen, Legend (Jersey), Limelight, Shining, Pagan Altar, Alan Stivell, Saracen, Rorschach, Darkthrone, The Lamp Of Thoth, Angelic Upstarts, Perry Leopold, Jefferson Airplane, Curved Air, Gentle Giant, Adramelch, Faust, Midryasi, Solstice UK, Solitude Aeturus, Killing Joke, The Animals, Dust, Sir Lord Baltimore, Necronomion (D, 70s), GĂ„A, ELP, King Crimson, Massacre (Fred Frith), Slaughter, Saint Vitus, Candlemass, Manilla Road, Hero, Tangerine Dream, Blue Cheer, Beherit, Uriah Heep, Agent Steel, Iron Maiden, Karthago (Hun), Grivf, Magma, Psychotic Waltz, Asphyx, Morgoth, Dismember, Unleashed, Repulsion, Razor, Dresden, Lucifer (USA, 1995), Vision (CAN), Hemlock(CAN), Kate Bush, Peter Hammill, Isengard, Autopsy, Winter, Esoteric, Aarni, Rolling Stones, Yardbirds, The Doors, Graham Bond, Nick Drake, Pentagram, Ultra, Winterhawk, Rush, Banco Del Mutuo Soccorso, Osanna, Premiata Foneria Marconi, While Heaven Wept, Jane, Charles Mingus, Budgie, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Tank, Killer, Frumpy, God Forsaken, Amorphis, Emperor, Jag Panzer, Exodus, Testament, Lord (Hun), Slough Feg, Brocas Helm, Dark Quarterer, IQ, Marillion, Gong, Steve Hillage, Scorpions, UFO, Foreigner, Boltthrower, Benediction, Amebix, Hellhammer, Dead Kennedies, Mayhem, Iced Earth, Hawkwind, Deep Purple, Rainbow, Semiramis
Göran Herming
Beiträge: 193
Registriert: 23. Mai 2004, 09:58
Wohnort: Underground and below

Beitragvon Guest_Snakeasshole » 24. Juni 2004, 06:51

Yeah certainly Gö a certain extent...but the PANZER stuff sounds really weak, there's no power, no intensity anymore...Broderick lead work SUCKS big time he's just good at doing Mr muscle this dude comparing to Tafolla or Lasegue!!!!

Beitragvon kranissimo » 27. Juni 2004, 09:52

To all the re-recording bastards:

You should quit your bands - and don't call yourself 'creative'!!!!!!!!
If you don't come up with new stuff that is equal to the old classics then your time is over and you've lost your inspiration forever...

But most of the time bands are forced to re-record old stuff because of fucking business decisions!

Beitragvon Guest_Snakeasshole » 28. Juni 2004, 06:58

You're certainly more than right!!!!! I think PANZER should have left the business after "the fourth judgement" and EXCITER after.... "long live the loud" forever!

Beitragvon MSC2471 » 20. Mai 2005, 10:29

I guess I don't understand the re-recording of old songs by new lineups as well. People that grew up on the older material feel that the production and songs will stand the test of time- and updating the material with modern production techniques does not enhance the listening experience.

I would rather here bands take some of their influences and pull together a tribute album (a la the way Powergod did for their albums taking on a lot of the 80's classics) than a band re-recording their older songs and milking them for all they are worth. A lot of times having a live album should be all the re-recording that is done to these songs- not a second chance in the studio....

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 4. September 2004, 16:52
Wohnort: Fitchburg, MA/USA

Beitragvon Irish Coffee » 20. Mai 2005, 15:35

Correct, correct...make the old shit accessible again instead of rerecording some classics in far weaker versions...and why are they weaker in all the cases? How can anybody aged 40 recreate the same hungry spirit he had as a 20 years old guy? So they better don't...and for the Panzer, I am a big fan of this band but still haven't got their newest this a sign?
Odins wilde Krieger aus dem Norden kehren wieder. Abgerissen und zerschlissen, dennoch ungebrochen. Holstein, Deine Helden wollen sich zu Worte melden. Voller Stolz und voller Wut, hier wird gestanden, nicht gekrochen.
Irish Coffee
Beiträge: 1234
Registriert: 22. Februar 2005, 18:16
Wohnort: Rungholt, near Tittenhurst Park

Beitragvon Jeff Ulmer » 20. Mai 2005, 18:02

This is an interesting discussion when I consider what I have been doing for the past couple of decades. I would like to add a little perspective, if I may, as to why some of us are compelled to rerecord our older material, and why rereleases of older albums may not always be possible.

I'll start with the rerelease situation. In many (if not most) cases, those older albums were financed by a third party, ie the record company, and the band may not have rights to the recordings. Most of these recordings were done on a very limited budget. The masters may be lost or destroyed, or if the original tapes still exist, the person in control of them may be demanding a great deal of money or refusing to surrender them. There may also be serious technical problems, like dropouts, in the masters. It is also possible that even if the masters exist and are in useable condition, the band's original agreements would mean that any money made off a rerelease would go to the record company, and not to the band at all. While the fans may not care about that, a band who is trying to reestablish itself would, especially if they have to pay for the new release to be mastered and pressed. There are a lot of shitty deals out there which made the record companies a lot of money, but left the bands broke. Another factor are the legalities of using performances by former band members, and also dealing with the new personnel, who want feel included. The politics of running a band can get pretty nasty when you are dealing with conflicting egos.

As for new versions, I agree that many do not stand up to the spirit of the originals. It is a lot harder rerecording songs fans are familiar with and coming up with versions that still kick ass than it is to write and record material no one has anything to compare to, which is why most cover versions suck.

I can't speak for everyone, but in my case, I was never happy with our released material due to all the crap that I was dealing with during its production, which severly hampered my ability to create what I was trying to make. The rerecording of that material wasn't just an attempt to milk old songs, it was a necessary part of the creative process, to finally deliver the work I set out to in the beginning. Of course my perspective as an older guy isn't going to be the same as it was when I was 18, but at the same time, the experience of those in between years allowed me to overcome my inexperience as a teenager in understanding what I felt was missing from the original work.

Bands are often in a no-win situation. Fans like one album, and if the band develops over time into something different, they get slagged. If they come out with something similar to their last release, they are stuck in a rut, and get slagged (sometimes, that sure doesn't seem to be the case these days). A first record is the easiest to have accepted, since there is nothing to compare it to. From the second album on, everything has a baseline, and it is either better or worse. Few people seem to be able to accept different.

I know that none of this really makes a difference to the fans, especially if the end result is a disappointment. At least in our case, both the old (in very limited quantity) and new versions are both available.

I'll be interested in seeing more comments on this subject, good or bad.
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Jeff Ulmer
Beiträge: 75
Registriert: 13. März 2005, 05:07
Wohnort: Canada


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